Giustiniano, Luca
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 32.498
NA - Nord America 18.469
AS - Asia 3.641
AF - Africa 375
OC - Oceania 328
SA - Sud America 307
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 79
Totale 55.697
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 18.007
GB - Regno Unito 11.072
IT - Italia 6.568
PL - Polonia 4.925
SE - Svezia 2.452
UA - Ucraina 1.694
FR - Francia 1.535
DE - Germania 1.190
SG - Singapore 894
CN - Cina 658
AT - Austria 391
RU - Federazione Russa 386
CA - Canada 385
FI - Finlandia 337
IN - India 308
NL - Olanda 306
PT - Portogallo 300
AU - Australia 289
IE - Irlanda 282
CH - Svizzera 201
IR - Iran 200
BR - Brasile 193
PH - Filippine 172
ID - Indonesia 168
BE - Belgio 164
DK - Danimarca 152
VN - Vietnam 147
JP - Giappone 144
TR - Turchia 134
PK - Pakistan 123
ES - Italia 121
HK - Hong Kong 110
KR - Corea 103
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 94
MY - Malesia 93
RO - Romania 75
EU - Europa 74
IL - Israele 68
ZA - Sudafrica 65
EG - Egitto 61
TW - Taiwan 57
NO - Norvegia 54
KE - Kenya 50
GR - Grecia 42
MX - Messico 41
TH - Thailandia 41
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 38
CO - Colombia 37
NG - Nigeria 34
LK - Sri Lanka 33
IQ - Iraq 32
MA - Marocco 29
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 28
SA - Arabia Saudita 28
PE - Perù 27
HU - Ungheria 26
EE - Estonia 21
LT - Lituania 20
BJ - Benin 19
AR - Argentina 17
GH - Ghana 17
TN - Tunisia 17
SI - Slovenia 15
CL - Cile 14
LB - Libano 14
BG - Bulgaria 13
NP - Nepal 13
HR - Croazia 12
ZW - Zimbabwe 12
BD - Bangladesh 11
MU - Mauritius 11
BW - Botswana 10
LU - Lussemburgo 10
RS - Serbia 9
UG - Uganda 9
ET - Etiopia 8
JO - Giordania 8
BO - Bolivia 7
KZ - Kazakistan 7
OM - Oman 7
MT - Malta 6
A1 - Anonimo 5
CY - Cipro 5
EC - Ecuador 5
LI - Liechtenstein 5
MM - Myanmar 5
TZ - Tanzania 5
BB - Barbados 4
DZ - Algeria 4
HN - Honduras 4
IS - Islanda 4
JM - Giamaica 4
KH - Cambogia 4
LV - Lettonia 4
MW - Malawi 4
PY - Paraguay 4
SV - El Salvador 4
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 4
AL - Albania 3
GI - Gibilterra 3
Totale 55.625
Città #
Southend 9.128
Warsaw 4.816
Chandler 1.784
Jacksonville 1.738
Ashburn 1.471
Woodbridge 1.249
Guido 1.193
Fairfield 1.114
Rome 1.086
Ann Arbor 978
Wilmington 928
Houston 883
Singapore 681
Seattle 564
Dearborn 415
Cambridge 368
Redwood City 367
Vienna 352
Milan 324
Beijing 306
New York 295
Dublin 256
Princeton 245
Boardman 202
Taranto 184
Munich 126
Lisbon 123
Redmond 123
London 116
Naples 116
Montréal 115
Jakarta 106
Brussels 105
Mcallen 100
Dong Ket 97
Atlanta 85
Philadelphia 85
Sydney 78
Moscow 76
Helsinki 72
Shanghai 63
San Diego 62
Mountain View 61
Norwalk 60
Ottawa 59
Aarhus 57
Los Angeles 57
Kraków 56
Verona 54
Falls Church 53
Delhi 51
Tokyo 51
Amsterdam 50
Bari 47
Toronto 47
Bologna 46
Vancouver 43
Manchester 39
Padova 39
Santa Clara 39
Torino 39
Brno 38
Paris 38
Phoenix 37
Florence 36
Kuala Lumpur 36
Istanbul 35
Stockholm 34
Zurich 34
Melbourne 32
Leawood 31
Napoli 31
Islamabad 30
Lappeenranta 30
Saint Petersburg 30
Berlin 29
Edinburgh 29
Turin 28
Fremont 27
Hanoi 27
Monmouth Junction 27
Syracuse 27
Mumbai 26
San Mateo 26
Catania 25
Lugano 25
Palermo 24
San Jose 24
São Paulo 24
Guangzhou 23
Lagos 23
Nairobi 23
Ardabil 22
Brisbane 22
Cairo 22
Latina 22
Quezon City 22
Taipei 22
Dallas 21
Denver 21
Totale 34.606
Nome #
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc.: A Startup Using the Gig Economy for Its Core Business 1.043
The Impact of Outsourcing on Business Performance: An Empirical Analysis 966
Crowd-Open and Crowd-Based Collaborations: Facilitating the emergence of organization design 962
The Italian Footwear Industry: An Empirical Analysis 696
Caring more by doing less? An enquiry about the impacts of outsourcing on patient care 630
Visible Collective and Self-Management Along with Secret Gardens: The Landscape For Distributed Innovation Organizations In Competitive Environments 578
Organizational Creativity in Multinational Companies: Knowledge Collecting, ICT Use and Top Management Support 571
Engaging Public Servants: Public Service Motivation, Work Engagement and Work-Related Stress 557
Demand Forecasting in the Fashion Industry: A Review 536
New Idea Generation and Individual Motivation: A conceptual framework 508
Elgar Introduction to Theories of Organizational Resilience 490
How managers detect paradox: critical realism, moderate constructivism and sensemaking in action 490
Le decisioni di outsourcing oggi 474
Activating social strategies: Face-to-face interaction in technology-mediated citizen science 471
How knowledge collecting fosters organizational creativity 469
Mission impossible? The paradoxes of stretch goal setting 458
Innovating Through Clusters 448
Networks, Clusters, and Small Worlds: Are they related? 447
Le luci del tramonto: i manager e l’ageismo 439
Building and reinforcing organizational resilience through international mobility: A multi-level framework 433
Improvement of Manufacturing Operations through a Lean Management Approach: A Case Study in the Pharmaceutical Industry 427
Strategie, Organizzazione e Sistemi Informativi: dall’IT alignment all’IT governance 417
Progettazione organizzativa e implementazione delle strategie 416
Increasing integration across the supply chain through an approach to match performance and risk 414
The dirty side of money: How extrinsic incentives jeopardize knowledge sharing 414
Knowledge sharing in knowledge-intensive manufacturing firms. An empirical study of its enablers 408
How getting knowledge from colleagues affects organizational creativity: The moderating influence of ICT and top management support 395
L’organizzazione del Dipartimento Materno Infantile 390
Changing Collaboration in Knowledge Work: Design Implications for Jobs, Teams, and Organizations 390
Business outcomes of outsourcing: lessons from management research 387
La digital transformation di una multi-utility: tecnologia e persone, fattori chiave dell’esperienza ACEA 386
Caring more by doing less: An enquiry about the impact of outsourcing on patient care 383
Made in Carcere: Scaling a Social Enterprise Business Model 381
Industry 4.0 and the emerging challenges to leadership 371
Business faculty perceptions of authentic leaders: a cross-cultural exploratory study 368
Evolution of multiple organisational identities after an M&A event: A case study from Europe 367
Change and sensemaking: organizational identities evolution and causal maps. A case study of M&A in the banking industry 361
The organizational side of outsourcing 350
Paradoxes of Management and Organization: Short cases for pedagogical use 345
Hub di imprenditori, caleidoscopi e calabroni: l’incredibile alchimia del gruppo Zucchetti 341
Il lato oscuro della “semplificazione” negli studi organizzativi e nei modelli manageriali 333
Triple Helix and Innovation in the life-science industry 331
Elgar Introduction to Designing Organizations 330
“Heaven or Las Vegas”: Competing institutional logics and individual experience 326
Bring them aboard: rewarding participation in technology-mediated citizen science projects 326
New institutional setting, new organizational configurations: Redesigning the Danish emergency care system via a contingency approach 325
Revitalising the Outsourcing Discourse within the Boundaries of Firms Debate 324
Psychosocial Training: A Case of Self-Efficacy Improvement in an Italian School 324
Exploring the links between idea generation and motivation 322
“What does not kill you…”: A review and a dialectical (re)interpretation of organizational resilience 320
Outsourcing strategies and their performative dimensions: Is there still room for new managerial techniques? 315
The contribution of the PLM to firms internationalization: A case in the footwear industry 315
Localized networks and innovation in the life-science sector. Inter-cluster and intra-cluster dynamics 305
“It’s just a hobby! (isn’t it?)”: A case of digital entrepreneurship and its paradoxes 305
How does organizational space help organizations cope with the challenges of ambidexterity and continue to innovate? A space reorganization experiment in a transitioning organization 302
Il ruolo delle istituzioni nella teoria organizzativa 294
Rethinking employability: New managerial competencies in a global labour market 294
Gritty Leaders Promoting Employees’ Thriving at Work 293
Improvising Around and About Boundaries in Open Organizations 284
Clusters and Innovation in the Life-science Sector 281
Organizational zemblanity 278
L'implementazione delle strategie: progettazione organizzativa e gestione del capitale umano 276
The Emergence of New Organization Design from the Self-Managed Team-Based Organizations 273
Multiple Organisational Identities after M&As 271
Resilient Leadership: Improvisation, Gardening and Unlearning 270
Cosa ci insegna la pandemia: Il lavoro agile e il rapporto tra persone, tecnologie e processi 269
Improvising Prescription: Evidence from the emergency room 267
Clusters and Innovation in the Life Sciences 267
To share or not to share: How knowledge collecting fosters organizational creativity 265
What it takes to be a creative broker: The influence of metaknowledge 259
What money cannot buy: The detrimental effect of rewards on knowledge sharing 255
Technology-driven workforce management in multi-utilities 254
Network characteristics and cluster innovative performance 253
Relazione sulla Qualità della Formazione progetto In.Te.S.A. 253
Emergent Coordination Failures And Freelance Improvisation: Lessons From The “Road Of Death” 253
Leading well pays off: Mediating effects and multi-group analysis of strategic performance 248
Freelance improvisation and resilience: Lessons from the EN236-1 tragedy 246
Nudging Citizen Scientists: Motivation, Behavior and Awareness in Energy Demand Management 244
The Analysis of Organizational Identity, Change and Sensemaking via Causal Maps: The Case of an M&A in the Banking Industry 241
Poor but so many: Inclusive growth through hybridity. Case of Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) 240
Resilient leadership as paradox work: Notes from COVID-19 236
The institutional understanding of technological innovation: considerations on international R&D networks 235
The Emergence of New Organization Designs: Evidences from Self-Managed Team-Based Organizations 233
The dark side of organizational improvisation: Lessons from the sinking of Costa Concordia 231
The virtual internationalisation process of Italian SMEs in the food industry 228
Zemblanity and the sinking of the Costa Concordia: How organizations actively construct bad luck 227
Understanding Outsourcing of Information Systems 226
Collective, sharing community and its organization: the case of Auroville 226
Product Lifecycle Management and compliance with international standards: A case-study analysis in the footwear industry 226
Improvising in the shade of power: The rise of paradoxes under the radar of formal compliance 223
Individual exposure, elaboration and somatization of competing institutional logics: the paradoxical case of Ivo Watts-Russell 223
National corporate systems and outsourcing decisions: A cross-country analysis 221
Pharmaceutical R&D Location Strategies: Jurisdiction Shopping or Institutional Entrepreneurship? 221
Shared Services: Exploring the New Frontier 221
“Identity and Pluralism: Who Am I? What Are We? How Are We?” – A Reflection on Seeking, Giving and Making Sense of Organising in a Fluid, Uncertain and Digitised World 221
Together Alone? Mastering paradoxes within inter-organizational business model innovation settings 220
Nudging Citizen Scientists: Participation, Motivation, and Learning in Energy Demand Management 218
“Only the artefact mattered”: The expressiveness of the 4AD record company 218
Engaging citizens in science projects 217
Are relationally transparent leaders more receptive to the relational transparency of others? An authentic dialogue perspective. 217
Totale 35.296
Categoria #
all - tutte 166.630
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 166.630

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.919 0 0 0 0 0 0 824 522 1.011 486 673 403
2020/202110.277 431 900 1.002 394 1.698 900 736 296 1.030 527 1.596 767
2021/20225.395 736 852 302 506 386 437 256 460 364 290 396 410
2022/20237.859 809 571 976 1.197 699 739 378 655 791 296 412 336
2023/20244.679 329 180 434 343 469 822 429 487 263 241 258 424
2024/20253.301 380 341 462 455 580 922 161 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 57.353