Cecchetti, Lorenzo
Between Autonomy and Respect for National Prerogatives: Another Brick in the Case Law on the Ne Bis in Idem Principle in EU Law
2022 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
Book Review: Broberg, Morten and Fenger, Niels: Preliminary References to the European Court of Justice, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021
2022 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
CILFIT ‘Motionless Titan’ Has Moved, albeit Softly and with Circumspection: Consorzio Italian Management II
2022 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
Foreword: The Judicial Protection of the Environment in International and European Law
2023 Candelmo, Claudia; Cecchetti, Lorenzo; Pauciulo, Domenico; Rossi, Pierfrancesco
How to Enforce the Right to Cross-Examination of Witnesses under Article 6 ECHR in the Union via Directive 2016/343: HYA and Others
2023 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
Introduction: Article 267 TFEU, Today
2023 Gallo, Daniele; Cecchetti, Lorenzo
Introduction: Reflections on the Young FIDE Seminar 2023: The Youg FIDE Board and the Young Rapporteurs
2023 Fartunova-Michel, Maria; Stoynev, Ivan; Rizcallah, Cecilia; Kirilova, Agapia; Cecchetti, Lorenzo
Killing two birds with one stone? Effective EAW surrender procedures and fundamental rights: C and CD (C-804/21 PPU)
2022 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
La prassi regolatoria e giurisprudenziale italiana in materia di self-cleaning è compatibile con il diritto dell’Unione Europea?
2021 Gallo, Daniele; Cecchetti, Lorenzo
L’efficacia diretta delle direttive negli ordinamenti nazionali, oggi: questioni ancora aperte alla vigilia del 50° anniversario della sentenza van Duyn
2023 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
Sentenza n. 269/2017 della Corte costituzionale e doppia pregiudizialità: l’approccio della Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea
2022 Amalfitano, Chiara; Cecchetti, Lorenzo
Something new under the Sun: The direct effect of directives plus Article 47 Charter in horizontal situations in the K.L. judgment
2024 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
The Bulgarian saga on minimum rights in criminal proceeding continues: A ‘suspect’ by any other name would be just as protected (Case C-209/22)
2023 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
The ECJ’s Approach to Dual Preliminarity 5 Years after the ItCC’s Judgment No. 269/2017
2023 Amalfitano, Chiara; Cecchetti, Lorenzo
The European Court of Justice and Trade Union Power in Europe
2022 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
The Preliminary Ruling Procedure, Today: Revisiting Article 267 TFEU’s Constitutional Backbone
2023 Gallo, Daniele; Cecchetti, Lorenzo
The principle of proportionality of penalties and the inextricable knot between primacy, direct effect and disapplication
2021 Gallo, Daniele; Cecchetti, Lorenzo
The reception of the narrative of a Europe of judicial cooperation in the Italian jurisprudence and legal doctrine: Cooperative federalism in the making
2023 Cecchetti, Lorenzo; Gallo, Daniele
The Scope Ratione Temporis of the Interpretive Rulings of the ECJ: Should the Temporal Limitation Still be a Strict Derogation from Retroactive Effects?
2023 Cecchetti, Lorenzo
The Unwritten Exceptions to the Duty to Refer After Consorzio Italian Management II: ‘CILFIT Strategy’ 2.0 and its Loopholes
2022 Gallo, Daniele; Cecchetti, Lorenzo