«Nothing is lasting but change». The statement was formulated by the German writer Ludwig Börne and could be well applied to the financial system, whose structure is constantly transforming. On closer inspection, this is due to a physiological process, determined by the inextricable link between innovation, economic activity and society which has brought visibly increasing improvements throughout history in terms of performance efficiency, refinement of procedures and customization of solutions to meet specific customers-consumers’ specific needs. However, it is undeniable how in this sector the technological component - especially of the cryptographic matrix - has gone far beyond merely supporting and enhancing the elements that underpin the complex architecture of Traditional Finance (TradFi). The introduction of DLT Technology, blockchain and smart contracts has reshaped intermediaries, payment systems and trust to the point of building a parallel “crypto financial ecosystem”, that is a cryptographic perimeter in which the frame of traditional financial markets has been duplicated. In fact, the mechanism and organizational features trace the classical finance style, and in its structure roughly similar entities, products and services can also be identified. Specifically, digital assets and Crypto-Asset Service Providers (CASPs) are respectively the objects and entities that space within the CeDeFi, a place where Centralized Finance (CeFi) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi), sub-categories of the aforementioned "alternative financial environment", are inextricably linked but for theoretical and academic reasons will be illustrated separate from each other. On the formers, the economic law community has already produced (and is still producing) a large quantity of articles and scholarly texts, confirming that the interest directed towards cryptoassets and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) has not faded at all; on the latters the same thing cannot be said. Noting the above, this study focuses on the CASPs with the aim of providing an organic and exhaustive view of them. To do so, the work summarizes the exogenous factors that have fostered their emergence by reconstructing the key episodes that first establish their theorization and then their entry into the law field. Although the legal analysis definitely leans toward a national and European regulatory perspective, the survey also integrates a comparative approach by laying an observational lens on the current regulation of these intermediaries at a global level. Furthermore, an overall view of the phenomenon has certainly strengthened the idea of not ignoring the various problems caused by crypto exchange platforms (CEX/DEX) which are gradually gaining relevance and occupying greater space in both academic and institutional debates only after the alarming series of failures that have occurred recently, reaching a negative peak in 2022, annus horribilis for the cryptocurrency market. Through a scientific-analytical approach, the thesis does not limit itself to chronologically summarizing the most significant failures that have occurred in recent years in the cryptoassets’ market, but it strives to essay the degree of interconnectedness between traditional markets and the crypto-economy in order to understand whether and in to what extent this link interferes with financial stability and how it will be necessary to act on a legislative level to avoid falling back into disastrous future crises. As a corollary to the unraveled reflections, although it must be recognized the EU institutions’ capability of realizing an ambitious and complex project such as the Digital Finance Package by guaranteeing greater legal certainty in the crypto-asset markets thanks to MiCA and other European regulations, however, it is not easy to automatically place CASPs in a specific and precise intermediation category. In conclusion, critical profiles emerge in contexts such as anti- money laundering, taxation, environment, and privacy. Amendments are supposed to be implemented in the future to remove some obstacles that could distort the Digital Single Market.
«Niente è duraturo come il cambiamento». L’affermazione, formulata dallo scrittore tedesco Ludwig Börne, ben si attaglia anche al sistema finanziario, la cui struttura è in costante trasformazione. A ben considerare, si tratta di un processo che può ritenersi fisiologico giacché determinato dall’indissolubile legame tra innovazione, attività economica e società che nel corso della storia ha apportato miglioramenti visibilmente crescenti in termini di efficienza delle prestazioni, affinamento di procedure e personalizzazione di soluzioni atte a soddisfare specifiche esigenze di clienti-consumatori. È innegabile, tuttavia, come in questo settore la componente tecnologica – specie di matrice crittografica – sia andata ben oltre la mera funzione di supporto e potenziamento degli elementi che vertebrano la complessa architettura della finanza tradizionalmente intesa (TradFi). L’introduzione della DLT Technology, della blockchain e degli smart contract ha permesso il rimaneggiamento di intermediari, sistemi di pagamento e fiducia al punto tale da edificare in via parallela un “crypto financial ecosystem”, ossia un perimetro crittografico in cui è stata per certi versi duplicata l’intelaiatura dei mercati finanziari tradizionali. Non solo il meccanismo e le fattezze organizzative ricalcano gli stilemi della finanza classica, ma in tale assetto si possono individuare anche entità, prodotti e servizi all’incirca simili dal punto di vista funzionale e della qualificazione giuridico-economica. Nello specifico, digital asset e Crypto-Asset Service Provider (CASP) sono rispettivamente gli oggetti ed i soggetti che spaziano all’interno della CeDeFi (un luogo in cui Centralized Finance (CeFi) e Decentralized Finance (DeFi), sottoinsiemi del suesposto “ambiente finanziario alternativo”, sono indissolubilmente connessi ma che per ragioni di natura teorica ed accademica saranno illustrate l’una separata dall’altra). Se sui primi (digital asset) la comunità giuseconomica ha già prodotto (e produce tuttora) una quantità corposa di articoli e testi scientifici, confermando come non sia affatto sopito l’interesse rivolto verso le cripto-attività e le Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), sui secondi (CASP) non può dirsi altrettanto. Constatato quanto descritto sopra, il presente studio s’incentra sui cd. prestatori di servizi per le cripto-attività con l’obiettivo di fornirne una visione organica ed il più possibile esaustiva. Per fare ciò, il lavoro riepiloga i fattori esogeni che ne hanno favorito la nascita e ricostruisce, dapprima, gli episodi-chiave da cui prende abbrivio la loro astratta teorizzazione e, Tesi di dottorato di Edoardo Tedeschi, discussa presso l’Università Luiss Guido Carli nel corso dell’A.A. 2023/24. Soggetta a copyright secondo le vigenti disposizioni. Sono comunque fatti salvi i diritti dell’Università Luiss di riproduzione per scopi di ricerca e didattici, con citazione della fonte. V successivamente, il loro ingresso nella sfera del diritto vivente. Sebbene l’analisi giuridica propenda decisamente per una prospettiva regolatoria nazionale ed europea, l’indagine non manca di integrare un approccio comparato posando una lente d’osservazione sullo stato di normazione di questi intermediari a livello globale. Per di più, l’adozione di uno sguardo complessivo del fenomeno ha certamente rafforzato l’idea di non ignorare ad oltranza le diverse problematicità provocate dalle crypto exchange platform (CEX/DEX) che stanno gradualmente assumendo rilevanza ed occupando maggiore spazio nei dibattiti sia accademici che istituzionali solo dopo l’allarmante serie di fallimenti verificatisi di recente, toccando in negativo il picco nel 2022, annus horribilis per il mercato criptovalutario. Accedendo ad un approccio scientifico-analitico, l’elaborato non si limita in tale contesto a riassumere cronologicamente i fallimenti più significativi legati al mondo degli asset crittografici avvenuti negli ultimi anni, ma si sforza di saggiare il grado di interconnessione tra mercati tradizionali e crypto-economy così da comprendere se e in che misura questo legame interferisce sulla stabilità finanziaria e come bisognerà eventualmente agire sul piano della regolamentazione per non ricadere in disastrose crisi future. A corollario delle riflessioni dipanate, l’indagine induce a constatare come, sebbene vada riconosciuta alle istituzioni unionali la capacità di concretizzare un progetto ambizioso e complesso come il Digital Finance Package garantendo al mercato dei crypto-asset una maggiore certezza del diritto grazie al MiCA e ad altre normative europee, non risulti però agevole collocare automaticamente i CASP in una specifica e precisa categoria d’intermediazione. Conclusivamente e per compiutezza di trattazione, più di un cenno si impone verso i profili di criticità registrati in determinati contesti quali l’antiriciclaggio, la tassazione, l’ambiente e la privacy che meriterebbero di essere in futuro emendati al fine di rimuovere alcuni ostacoli che potrebbero falsare il Mercato Unico Digitale.
I Crypto-Asset Service Providers (CASP): genesi, sviluppi regolatori e impatti nella Centralized-Decentralized Finance (CeDeFi) / Tedeschi, Edoardo. - (2024 May 22). [10.13119/tedeschi-edoardo_phd2024-05-22]
I Crypto-Asset Service Providers (CASP): genesi, sviluppi regolatori e impatti nella Centralized-Decentralized Finance (CeDeFi)
Tedeschi, Edoardo
«Nothing is lasting but change». The statement was formulated by the German writer Ludwig Börne and could be well applied to the financial system, whose structure is constantly transforming. On closer inspection, this is due to a physiological process, determined by the inextricable link between innovation, economic activity and society which has brought visibly increasing improvements throughout history in terms of performance efficiency, refinement of procedures and customization of solutions to meet specific customers-consumers’ specific needs. However, it is undeniable how in this sector the technological component - especially of the cryptographic matrix - has gone far beyond merely supporting and enhancing the elements that underpin the complex architecture of Traditional Finance (TradFi). The introduction of DLT Technology, blockchain and smart contracts has reshaped intermediaries, payment systems and trust to the point of building a parallel “crypto financial ecosystem”, that is a cryptographic perimeter in which the frame of traditional financial markets has been duplicated. In fact, the mechanism and organizational features trace the classical finance style, and in its structure roughly similar entities, products and services can also be identified. Specifically, digital assets and Crypto-Asset Service Providers (CASPs) are respectively the objects and entities that space within the CeDeFi, a place where Centralized Finance (CeFi) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi), sub-categories of the aforementioned "alternative financial environment", are inextricably linked but for theoretical and academic reasons will be illustrated separate from each other. On the formers, the economic law community has already produced (and is still producing) a large quantity of articles and scholarly texts, confirming that the interest directed towards cryptoassets and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) has not faded at all; on the latters the same thing cannot be said. Noting the above, this study focuses on the CASPs with the aim of providing an organic and exhaustive view of them. To do so, the work summarizes the exogenous factors that have fostered their emergence by reconstructing the key episodes that first establish their theorization and then their entry into the law field. Although the legal analysis definitely leans toward a national and European regulatory perspective, the survey also integrates a comparative approach by laying an observational lens on the current regulation of these intermediaries at a global level. Furthermore, an overall view of the phenomenon has certainly strengthened the idea of not ignoring the various problems caused by crypto exchange platforms (CEX/DEX) which are gradually gaining relevance and occupying greater space in both academic and institutional debates only after the alarming series of failures that have occurred recently, reaching a negative peak in 2022, annus horribilis for the cryptocurrency market. Through a scientific-analytical approach, the thesis does not limit itself to chronologically summarizing the most significant failures that have occurred in recent years in the cryptoassets’ market, but it strives to essay the degree of interconnectedness between traditional markets and the crypto-economy in order to understand whether and in to what extent this link interferes with financial stability and how it will be necessary to act on a legislative level to avoid falling back into disastrous future crises. As a corollary to the unraveled reflections, although it must be recognized the EU institutions’ capability of realizing an ambitious and complex project such as the Digital Finance Package by guaranteeing greater legal certainty in the crypto-asset markets thanks to MiCA and other European regulations, however, it is not easy to automatically place CASPs in a specific and precise intermediation category. In conclusion, critical profiles emerge in contexts such as anti- money laundering, taxation, environment, and privacy. Amendments are supposed to be implemented in the future to remove some obstacles that could distort the Digital Single Market.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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