Thatcher, Mark
Analysing regulatory reform in Europe
2002 Thatcher, Mark; Héritier, Adrienne
Analysing regulatory reform in Europe
2002 Thatcher, Mark
Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: conflict, contradictions, and complementarities in the European economy
2007 Hancké, Bob; Rhodes, Martin; Thatcher, Mark
Competition policy: the politics of competence expansion
2020 Thatcher, Mark
Conclusion: explaining the resilience of neo-liberalism and possible pathways out
2013 Thatcher, Mark; Schmidt, Vivien A.
Constructing the EU's Political Identity
2022 Saurugger, Sabine; Thatcher, Mark
Constructing the EU’s political identity in policy making
2019 Thatcher, Mark; Saurugger, Sabine
Delegation to Independent Regulatory Agencies: Pressures, Functions and Contextual Mediation
2003 Thatcher, Mark
Delegation to independent regulatory agencies: pressures, functions and contextual mediation
2002 Thatcher, Mark
Differentiated implementation and European integration: the development of EU food quality labelling
2024 Thatcher, Mark; Garcia Quesada, Monica
Direct and market governance paths for the creation of an EU political identity: cultural heritage policy
2019 Thatcher, Mark
EU political identity, integration and top-down analyses: a reply to Neil Fligstein
2019 Saurugger, Sabine; Thatcher, Mark
European Commission merger control: combining competition and the creation of larger European firms
2014 Thatcher, Mark
European Regulation
2001 Thatcher, Mark
European regulation
2015 Thatcher, Mark
Evolutionary dynamics in internal market regulation in the European Union
2016 Thatcher, Mark; Woll, Cornelia
Foreign states in domestic markets. Sovereign Wealth Funds and the West
2021 Thatcher, Mark; Vlandas, Tim
From industrial policy to a regulatory state
2003 Thatcher, Mark
From old to new industrial policy via economic regulation
2014 Thatcher, Mark
Governance structures and health technology assessment agencies: a comparative approach
2010 Thatcher, Mark