Behavioral Competencies of Digital Professionals. Understanding the Role of Emotional Intelligence
2020 Bonesso, Sara; Bruni, Elena; Gerli, Fabrizio
CONCLUSION – Rooting out Denialism: From Breakdown to Breakthrough
In corso di stampa Bruni, Elena; Brandmayr, Federico; Lefsrud, Lianne M.
Configuring a new business model through conceptual combination: The rise of the Huffington Post
2023 Bruni, Elena; Comacchio, Anna
Constructing a Spatial Theory of Legitimacy
2023 Biscaro, Claudio; Bruni, Elena; Musil, Katharina
Coping with different types of innovation: What do metaphors reveal about how entrepreneurs describe the innovation process?
2019 Bruni, Elena; Bonesso, Sara; Gerli, Fabrizio
Ensuring Validity and Reliability in Empirical Studies on Metaphor in Organizations
2024 Bruni, Elena; Biscaro, Claudio
Entrepreneurship and innovation. A cognitive perspective
2016 Bruni, Elena; Bonesso, Sara; Gerli, Fabrizio
Introduction - Organized Denial: Responding to Attacks on Science
In corso di stampa Bruni, Elena; Lefsrud, Lianne M.
Leadership styles scale: Conceptualization and initial validation
2018 Bruni, Elena; Cortellazzo, Laura; Bonesso, Sara; Gerli, Fabrizio
Metaphor and Organization Studies: Going Beyond Resonance to Further Theory and Practice
In corso di stampa Biscaro, Claudio; Bruni, Elena; Cornelissen, Joep; Oswick, Cliff
Metaphors for Innovation: How Entrepreneurs Narrate Different Types of Innovation
2017 Bruni, Elena; Bonesso, Sara; Gerli, Fabrizio
Metaphors in the Creative Journey: Using Metaphors in Practice
2024 Biscaro, Claudio; Bruni, Elena
Organized Science Denial. An Action Plan of Solutions
In corso di stampa Bruni, Elena; Lefsrud, Lianne M.
Reconceptualizing Conceptual Engineering
In corso di stampa Oswick, Cliff; Biscaro, Claudio; Bruni, Elena; Cornelissen, Joep
Scale Conceptualization and Validation of Leadership Styles Questionnaire
2018 Bruni, Elena; Cortellazzo, Laura; Bonesso, Sara; Gerli, Fabrizio
Science Denial: Causes, Courses, and Remedies. A Route Map for Organizational Scholars
2021 Bruni, Elena; Lefsrud, Lianne; Ansari, Shahzad; Harmon, Derek; Hoffman, Andrew J.; Elisabeth Meyer, Renate; Roulet, Thomas J.
The role of leadership in a digitalized world: A review
2019 Cortellazzo, L.; Bruni, Elena; Zampieri, R.
The Role of Multimodality in the Anti-Vaccination Rhetoric
2022 Bruni, Elena; Jancsary, Dennis; Meyer, Renate E.
What competency profiles are required to handle digitalization? The soft skills that data analysts should possess
2018 Bruni, Elena; Bonesso, Sara; Gerli, Fabrizio
When hard skills are not enough: Emotional, social and cognitive competencies that successful data scientists and analysts should demonstrate
2018 Bruni, Elena; Bonesso, Sara; Gerli, Fabrizio