DIP. SCIENZE ECONOMICHE E AZIENDALI (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 14/09/2011)
'Industrial districts enterprises’ and ‘virtual enterprises’: proximity and distance, ICT- IS, and organizational learning
2010 Depaoli, P; D'Atri, Alessandro; DE MARCO, M.
A Business Ontology for supporting cross border cooperation between european chambers of commerce
2008 D'Atri, Alessandro; DE NICOLA, A; Missikoff, O.
A cooperation framework for cross-border service providers: the LD-CAST project
2008 Spagnoletti, P; D'Atri, Alessandro
A Distributed System for the Integrated Management of General and Subspecialist Pediatric Outpatient Clinic
1991 Bernabei, A; Curro', V; D'Atri, Alessandro; LA CAVA, G.
A Model Proposal for the Investigation of End Users' Satisfaction on the Usage of an E-Learning Platform
2010 Braccini, A. M.; Za, Stefano; D'Atri, Alessandro
A quality evaluation methodology of health web-pages for non-professionals
2004 Curro', V; Buonuomo, P. S.; Onesimo, R.; Vituzzi, A.; DI TANNA, G. L.; D'Atri, Alessandro
A Quality Management Training System on ISO Standards for Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs
2007 Casalino, Nunzio; D'Atri, Alessandro; Manev, L.
A system to aid blind people in the mobility: a usability test and its results
2007 D'Atri, E.; Medaglia, C. M.; Serbanati, A.; BIADER CEIPIDOR, U; Panizzi, E.; D'Atri, Alessandro
Accessing information on medical/health websites by Italian families: a pilot study
2000 Curro', V; Mauro, V; Buonanno, P. S.; Mastroiacovo, P; Bernabei, A; D'Atri, Alessandro
Analysing Business Models for Cross Border e-Services Provided by the Chambers of Commerce
2008 Braccini, Alessio Maria; Spagnoletti, Paolo; D'Atri, Alessandro
Answering Queries in Relational Databases
1983 D'Atri, Alessandro; Moscarini, M; Spyratos, N.
Aspetti di interesse pediatrico dell’interazione tra bambino e computer
1993 Curro', V; Bembo, V; Grimaldi, V; Bernabei, A; D'Atri, Alessandro
Bricolage in System Design and Trust in Cooperation
2006 D'Atri, Alessandro
Caratteristiche di una interfaccia uomo-macchina per la gestione dei dati di un ambulatorio pediatrico
1989 Curro', V; Bracaglia, G; Buffetti, A; D'Atri, Alessandro; DE LUCA, F; Giusti, D; Polidori, G.
Classes of Structurally Isomorphic NP-Optimization Problems
1977 Ausiello, G; D'Atri, Alessandro; Gaudiano, M; Protasi, M.
Diffusione ed uso del computer in età pediatrica
1992 Cascioli, E; Curro', V; Zampino, G; Procaccini, M; Bernabei, A; D'Atri, Alessandro
Digital Natives in a Knowledge Economy: will a New Kind of Leadership Emerge?
2010 Braccini, A. M.; D'Atri, Alessandro; Marturano, A.
Distance Learning for SME Managers
2001 Pauselli, E; D'Atri, Alessandro
Distance-Hereditary Graphs, Steiner Tree and Connected Domination
1988 D'Atri, Alessandro; Moscarini, M.
Dynamic query interpretation in relational databases
1989 D'Atri, Alessandro; DI FELICE, P; Moscarini, M.